Amaya是 一个具有浏览功能 的WEB开发工具,是由万维网协会(W3C)成员开发的一个网络浏览器,同时也可以作为对W3C成果的测试工具。Amaya包括了一个HTML编辑器和浏 览器,用户可以免费到W3C的网站下载它,在linux和windows下都有对应的版本。Amaya起初只支持HTML和CSS的编缉,现在已经添加了 对XML、XHTML、MathML、SVG等的支持。Amaya is intended to be a comprehensive client environment for testing and evaluating new proposals for Web standards and formats. A large part of the intended features of Amaya are implemented in this release, but some of them are not complete yet. Amaya is designed as an application on top of the Thot editing tool kit.

Bluefish,正如其项目主页上描述的那样,是一个功能强大的编缉程。你可以用它来设计网站,编写脚本和程序代码。Bluefish支持很多程序语言和标记语言,它最突出的特点在于编缉动态的交互式网站。Bluefish has many features, this list will give you an overview of the most important or outstanding features.
Quanta Plus 原 名叫Quanta,是一个WEB的集成开发环境(IDE),可以用于HTML、XHTML、CSS、XML、PHP和其它基于XML的语言或者是脚本语言 的开发。Quanta Plus是一个KDE的软件,包含于Kdewebdev软件包里。Quanta有可见即所得的设计模式和代码编缉模式两种开发模式。它的特点有:代码标签 提示功能,脚本语言的变量自动完成,项目管理,实时预览, PHP调试器,Quanta Plus is a highly stable and feature rich web development environment. The vision with Quanta has always been to start with the best architectural foundations, design for efficient and natural use and enable maximal user extensibility. We recognize that we don't have the resources to do everything we would like to so our target is to make it easy for you to help make this the best community based desktop application anywhere. Pretty much everything in Quanta is designed so you can extend it. Even the way it handles XML DTDs is based on XML files you can edit. You can even import DTDs, write scripts to manage editor contents, visually create dialogs for your scripts and assign script actions to nearly any file operation in a project. You can even look at and communicate with a wide range of what happens inside Quanta using DCOP.
支持所见即所得(WYSIWYG),在我们在制作网页时,更加的直观化,编辑网页就如同打字一样容易。内建一个FTP Client,让我们可以很轻易的把编辑好的文件发布到服务器上。登录FTP Server后,还支持在线实时更改页面。可靠的HTML原始码,让由Nvu所创建出来的网页,可以在当前多数的浏览器上正常运作。制作网页时,可以使用所见即所得模式或HTML原始码编辑模式。Tab功能:可以让我们很迅速的在多个页签间切换,并且编辑这些网页。支持表单、表格、layer以及网页模版。