
install MINIX

Runnig Minix 3 on QEmu

You can download a Minix 3 ISO from the Download page, and set QEmu to install a machine from that ISO.
These instructions are to get MINIX 3 running under qemu 0.10-0-1 under Ubuntu Linux, but it should generally apply to other qemu installations under linux as well. First, use your package manager or other means to install qemu on your host operating system. Under Ubuntu you can use aptitude to install qemu as follows.

[root@localhost VMWARE]# qemu-img create minix.img 2G
Formating 'minix.img', fmt=raw, size=2097152 kB
[root@localhost VMWARE]# qemu -localtime -net user -net nic -m 128 -cdrom minix3_1_3a_ide_r2964.iso -hda minix.img -boot d
Could not open '/dev/kqemu' - QEMU acceleration layer not activated
[root@localhost VMWARE]#qemu -localtime -net user -net nic -m 256 -cdrom minix3_1_3a_ide_r2964.iso -hda minix.img -boot -c

Note:Don't move your *img to other place. If you do it,then it will error and don't boot in qemu for minix.

